but what about me?
Episode #21
How to Develop a Career Path (Without Feeling Like an Imposter)
In this episode Jennifer has a career coaching session with Mack. Mack has had a lot of challenges and obstacles throughout her life but Mack is determine not to allow it to deter her from her goal of becoming a senior software engineer. Mack is looking for guidance on how to develop a career path. Jennifer coaches Mack through the external and internal journey of developing a career path.
“Confidence is not binary. It’s not off or on. You are building confidence over time.”
Episode Highlights:
[07:39] Working your career path backwards
[11:30] How to move through imposture syndrome
[23:00] Strategies for current graduates on how make yourself more employable
[25:33] The value of celebrating milestones
[31:00] Managing your own expectations
[41:08] Your online brand and presence
Resources Mentioned:
Offer Magnet Job Seeker - Sign Up Here
Career Coaching Session - Sign Up Here
Show Notes:
Strategies for Current Graduates on How to Make Yourself More Employable
Get acquainted with your college or university career services center.
Identify a company/companies you would like to do an internship with.
Apply for internship opportunities at your target company.
Apply for internship opportunities at your target company's competitors.
How Align Your Online Brand with How You Want It To Represent You as a Professional
Have someone you trust read your resume and online profile.
Ask him/her/them to tell you what they would say your expertise is based on reading your resume and online profile.
If is doesn't align with what you want people to know about you professionally then rework your resume and online profile.
Channel URL Links:
Soundcloud: Listen Here
Google Play: Listen Here
Apple Podcast: Listen Here
“They way you move through imposture syndrome is repetition. Give yourself chances to continue proving to yourself that you can deliver. With each successful deliverable, comes confidence. “
”You to do a career pivot you might land in. You have to be comfortable with the discomfort.”
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