but what about me?
Episode #25
How to Push Through the Barriers of the Good Ole C-Suite Club
In this episode Jenn has a career coaching session with Nia. Nia contacted Jenn because she has been in the C-suite for two years give or take, and is looking to make her next move to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Chief Diversity Officer (CDO). I know you might be thinking, Nia is already in the C-suite so it should be smooth sailing from here, right? Well people need help and guidance at all stages of their career and the C-suite is no exception.
“Sometimes, we are tweaking our resumes too much. We tweak the resume to make it just a little more perfect, but if you aren’t careful, trying to get too perfect will prevent you from ever putting your resume out there. ”
Episode Highlights:
[6:30] How to identify when your resume is good to go
[12:51] How to use self-validation to navigate the C-suite
[21:39] How to avoid spitting your energy when deciding your next career move
[25:50] How an executive recruiter/search firm can help you get C-suite positions
[30:00] How to tap into your network to let them know you are looking for opportunities confidentially
Resources Mentioned:
Offer Magnet Job Seeker - Sign Up Here
Career Coaching Session - Sign Up Here
Episode #14: How To Enter An Exclusive "Good 'Ol Boys" Network (When It’s Critical To Your Career Success)
Episode #17: How To Master Networking (Like An Introvert)
Show Notes:
Three ways to tell if your resume is “good to go”:
Your resume presents as "ready now." Meaning a recruiter can look at your resume and see that you are "ready now" for the position base on your knowledge, skills, and experience.
Your resume reads in a what the highlights how you meet the qualifications, especially the basic ones. Go through each of the qualifications (at least the basic qualifications) and make sure you are showing exactly how you meet that within the flow of your resume.
Your resume is organized well enough and clear enough that a stranger (or someone who really doesn’t know a lot about your work experience) can look at your resume and explain who you are and what you are ready to do next.
Two things that you can do to empower yourself to push through mental and emotional barriers while journeying to the top of your career:
Build validation reserves. Know (for yourself) the value that you can bring to any employer by way of your knowledge, skills and abilities. Pay attention to your wins (and celebrate them along the way). Build reserves so that when external barriers try to make you believe otherwise, you have enough proof to refute it.
Understand the season you are in. Organizations are cashing in on the value that comes with increasing diversity in the workplace. Even and especially in leadership, they are looking for more women, people of color and individuals who identify as LGBTQ+. Know that this is a season where employers are looking for you.
Channel URL Links:
Soundcloud: Listen Here
Google Play: Listen Here
Apple Podcast: Listen Here
“Navigating and pushing through those emotional and mental barriers that comes with journeying to the top of your profession is going to require you to remember who you are, how talented you are, and how skilled you are. .”
”It’s important to share with others that you are looking for new opportunities. You don’t have to tell everyone but it’s important to tell someone. That’s how you tap into the hidden job market. Tap into your network. Your next opportunity could just be one conversation away.”
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