episode #2

Hiring Success TV

4 Common Misconceptions About Diversity Recruitment
(And How To Respond!)


If you are wanting to clear up common misconceptions about diversity recruitment so that you can learn how to become a successful recruiter, then this is the video for you to watch closely. 

In the recruitment industry, there are common misunderstandings about diversity recruitment policies. There are also diversity myths/facts that need to be cleared up. 

Myths are sometimes difficult to shoot down, especially if they have been around for years and passed down from respective parties. With the information I share with you in this week’s video, you will be a myth buster pro, speaking nothing but facts when approached with such errors on diversity recruiting. 

When learning how to respond to these sometimes ridiculous misconceptions, don’t be afraid to go with what YOU believe in and know to be the truth. If you continue to follow the pattern, you will fall right in line with the mistakes of the individuals you are trying to steer in the right direction. 

In order for you to be a high performing recruiter and to increase diversity in the workplace, you must learn about these misconceptions so that you can clear them up and improve your industry. The more of these misconceptions you can clear up within your company, the better your organization will be now and in the future.

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