5 Things to Normalize in Order to Increase Diversity
💥This is #IncreaseDiversity, a weekly newsletter + monthly workshop series sharing best practices for employers who want to implement effective diversity recruitment programs. To see previous editions, visit JenniferTardy.com. | IG: @IncreaseDiversity 💥
News From #TeamJTC:
👉🏾 Free Checklist. We have a FREE, downloadable CHECKLIST for leaders called The Platinum Checklist for Hiring Professionals: 10 Immediate Actions Leaders Must STOP Doing in Order to Increase Diversity. Click to download your free copy.
👉🏾 New Workshop: Our Increase Diversity 101 Library is growing. We’ve now added our April virtual workshop: How to Increase Racial Diversity in Overwhelmingly White Industries and Organizations, where you will be able to develop a strategy to effectively position your workplace as an employer of choice and attract more BIPOC populations to your organization using the JTC Reflection| Accountability | Strategy method.
All over social media we see the hashtag #normalize with a message attached. It looks like…#normalizetherapy
To normalize something is to make it normal, to make it a standard, to make it familiar. For example, we tend to love our comfort zone, but it is only because it feels familiar to us. As a matter of fact, I often share this quote with leaders.
The longest journey you will ever take is journeying outside of what feels most familiar to you.
– Jenn Tardy
So, this led me to consider something very important.
Question: What must be normalized in order to increase workplace diversity?Answer: To get to a place of increasing diversity within the workplace, there are many areas that must first be normalized. Here are five areas in particular that I would like to share with you today.
#1: Normalize saying exactly what you mean. Get really comfortable with the words we use when conversing about race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Use these words when talking about increasing diversity. For example, rather than saying, we need to increase diversity. Say, we need to increase representation among Black men in leadership roles in Engineering. Specificity is key in diversity recruiting. Avoid using euphemisms (e.g., using diverse as an adjective) that often other individuals and leave groups of people out of the conversation.
#2: Normalize talking about accountability. Leaders often share with me that they want to help with initiatives to increase diversity, they are unsure where they fit in, or how to help. More specifically, leaders are uncertain where they are held accountable in this work. When referencing all who are on the front lines of increasing diversity (i.e., recruiters, hiring leaders, and interview teams) ensure that each knows the vital role that they play and be clear on where they are held accountable.
#3: Normalize collecting, analyzing, and process improving with candidate data. Begin using data in everyday recruiting conversations. Per a message by the late, great James Baldwin, “you cannot fix what you will not face.” Soliciting voluntary self-id data within your hiring process (+ reviewing it consistently) will help you to get a better indication of how diverse your candidate pools are. In addition, data analytics provides insight into where candidates may fall out of your hiring process by withdrawing, being rejected, or even being overlooked.
You cannot fix what you will not face.
- James Baldwin
#4: Normalize talking openly about your workplace history. Helping employees understand certain policies, practices, and behaviors that shaped underrepresentation is essential in ensuring history does not repeat itself. For example, in the past, has your workplace overly leveraged referral programs that did not consider the homogeneity of within the workplace and their personal networks? If so, be transparent about it and use this as an opportunity to learn how the diversity within employees’ personal networks impacts diversity within workplaces.
#5: Normalize vulnerability. Many recruiters and hiring teams are entering real and unfiltered conversations about underrepresentation and increasing diversity for the first time. When learning something new, the ability to be vulnerable and say, “I need help,” or “I don’t feel comfortable,” or “I’m scared to say the wrong thing,” is critical to receiving support. If you are leading these efforts to increase diversity, normalize creating a space where employees feel comfortable saying they need help. As a matter of fact, assume everyone on your team could use training and support as they are learning the actions that they must start doing and stop doing in order to increase diversity.
Now, you may be wondering how this impacts diversity recruitment. How you approach your diversity and inclusion initiative internally reflects externally on your employer brand. Job seekers look for proof of inclusion. The promise that your organization will be better than the last. Therefore, normalizing these five areas within the workplace will move you in the appropriate direction to increase diversity and build a workplace culture rooted in equity, inclusion, and belonging for all employees. Which leads to an employer brand that attracts people from all backgrounds and walks of life.
Join us in the comments section: Which area resonated the most with you? What other areas do we need to normalize to increase diversity?
👉🏾Check out our Increase Diversity 101 Virtual Workshop Series.
✅ We will use the weekly #IncreaseDiversity newsletter platform to do five things:
Challenge organizations to dig more deeply when it comes to diversity recruiting and retention programs
Clarify misconceptions or demystify complex topics related to diversity recruiting
Share best practices in diversity recruiting and retention
Answer frequently asked questions related to diversity recruiting and retention
Build a safe learning community for hiring professionals
✅ Need support implementing an effective diversity recruiting program at your organization? Visit www.JenniferTardy.com to learn about consulting and training programs.
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