The Untapped Power of Holidays in Increasing Diversity and Retention


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We all circle them on our calendars, eagerly waiting for that well-deserved break. But have you ever paused to think about what these dates truly represent? Beyond a day off, many holidays are woven with tales of history, vibrant cultures, cherished traditions, and the triumphs and challenges faced by our ancestors. 

You might be thinking, “Cool, Jenn, why are you bringing this up?”

Holidays mean more than just celebrations. Recognizing holidays tells your team and potential hires, “Hey, we see you! We value not just the work you do but the rich background you come from.” Such simple acts can make your star employees stick around longer and lure in top-tier candidates. In this era of “resenteeism,” “quiet quitting,” and “career cushioning,” acknowledging holidays is a heartfelt way to show your team and potential talents that you genuinely care.

It’s like saying, “We support you, and we hope you’ll stand with us.” Sure, it’s a two-way street, but such gestures can help ensure everyone is on the same path, feeling valued and understood.

Why Embrace All Holidays

The power of celebrating all holidays goes beyond mere acknowledgment. Let’s explore some reasons why recognizing all holidays is crucial, especially in recruitment and retention.

1. Cultural Appreciation

Recognizing all holidays means we’re appreciating a culture for its authentic essence, rather than just cherry-picking elements that seem “trendy.” In recruitment, when candidates see their culture is genuinely understood and respected, it fosters trust.

They’re more likely to believe they’ll be joining an organization where they won’t have to constantly explain or defend their cultural norms. This approach not only enables them to bring their whole selves to work but also offers a level of career self-determination (autonomy) in the holidays they choose to observe.

2. Building Stronger, More Authentic Relationships

More than the day itself, it’s the stories, histories, and values behind holidays that matter. When you take the time to learn and understand these, it reflects your deeper commitment to building genuine relationships with your employees and potential candidates. It signals that you’re not just interested in their CVs but in them as holistic individuals.

3. Boosting Workplace Morale and Unity

By recognizing all holidays, you create an inclusive work environment where every employee feels valued. This boosts morale and fosters unity. For potential recruits, it’s an indicator of an inclusive work environment without harm, leading to increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover.

Avoiding Pitfalls and Harm

In an effort to avoid pitfalls, some companies show surface-level recognition. However, superficial recognition can backfire, which then does the opposite of a well-intentioned action: it creates harm. Let’s discuss three scenarios where not recognizing holidays properly could adversely impact your recruitment processes.

Scenario #1: Interview Scheduling

Imagine scheduling an interview during Ramadan (a holy month for Muslims) without considering the candidate’s availability or energy levels, especially in the later parts of the day.  

The risk? You are already signaling to the potential candidate that you are not aware of the holiday. As a result, they may turn down the interview and withdraw from the recruitment process because they are not seeing proof of inclusion even in the early stages of the recruitment process.  

Best Practice: Offer various dates to interview, share that you are aware of the holiday, and empower the candidate to share their availability as to when they feel they would interview best during the holiday season. 

Scenario #2: Company Events During Recruitment Phases

You are in the midst of planning your company recruitment events, and imagine you are working to increase representation among the Indian population. The date you selected coincides with Diwali

The risk? First impressions matter. If a potential candidate’s first interaction with your company is through a recruitment event scheduled on an important cultural holiday, once again, you’re more than likely sending the message that you are unaware of holidays outside of your own.

Not only that, you risk them not attending the event due to other obligations, but also because they may not feel like the event will be a safe space where they can bring their whole self. 

Best Practice: When you are in the planning stage, identify where you want to increase representation and consider major cultural influences that could impact and inform your strategy.

Scenario #3: Benefits Packages

Imagine putting together an offer letter for a long-pursued candidate who mentioned the importance of Jewish holidays in the pre-close, but you overlook this when creating the offer.

The risk? Your top candidate may feel unseen and decide to decline the offer because they feel unable to bring their whole self to work.

Best Practice: Introduce Floating Holidays. While fixed holidays are great, floating holidays offer employees the flexibility to choose days significant to them, whether for religious observances, cultural events, or personal days of importance.

Now, I know you might be sitting there reading this, thinking, “Jenn, this is great, but we can’t honestly consider every holiday in the world.”

And you are right. There are thousands of holidays in the world and we are all on our own journey to learning about them. But I invite you to consider how holidays impact your organization’s ability to increase diversity and retention without harm. Understand that in your journey toward a truly inclusive workplace, every action counts.

Each effort you make, each nuanced sensitivity you demonstrate, and every genuine relationship you build serves as a milestone. By wholeheartedly embracing shared humanity and honoring diverse histories, you’re crafting more than just vibrant workplaces. You’re nurturing spaces where there is no place for harm, and understanding, respect, and unity thrive.

JOIN US IN THE COMMENTS: How have holidays impacted your ability to increase diversity and retention without harm? We’re genuinely curious! Dive into the conversation and let us know your take on the interplay between holidays and recruitment. Drop your two cents in the comments below!

GJennifer Tardy