episode #28
Career Success TV
Signs Your Job Interview Went Exceptionally Well
Have you ever been in an interview and noticed that the interviewer is talking to you as though you are already a part of the team? Don’t know what to make of this, do you?
Well, job seekers, you are probably missing out on some important signals that the recruiter is throwing your way--letting you know that you are high on their hire radar.
In this video, I am discussing various signs to look out for while interviewing.
Some of these signs may be some things you have noticed during your interviewing journey and some you may never have noticed at all. You don’t have to see all of these signs but it is important to know what they are so you can be on the lookout in your future interviews.
You don’t want to miss this video because knowing signs that you are killing your interview will help give you that extra boost to keep giving the interviewer your all until the very end.
Trust me, you will be so thankful for the heads up I’m about to give you.
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